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Jquery Fresno

CMS Integrated

Fresno Web Design Using JQuery


Easy to implement and use.

This simple JQuery script can be implemented into the Netricks CSM quickly and easily.  Simple to manage and change content, add images or whatever. 

The area for content is editable through the CMS and can be done without the user having to know any code or webdesign knowledge.

This is just one great reason to get and use the Netricks, CMS in your business web development project.  The Netricks CMS may be used for your complete web development needs or in conjunction with your website as an added tool.

The Netricks CMS may even be used top represent your company on the Web 2.0 mobile platform.

Slick look and feel


Easy integrated JQuery scripts add flavor and feel that for the most part is rather difficult to obtain and maintain without heavy costs and hard to understand code.  Now with the newest version of the Netricks Web 2.0 CMS product line, the slick look and feel of JQuery scripting may be added into the modular platform of your website offering you the flavor you want at a reasonable cost and including the ease of management that the Netricks CMS offers.

W3C Validated


The value added accomplishments of the integrated scripting go far beyond the look and feel.  The Netricks CMS incorporats a complete search engine valid product that follows the rules set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium in order to present to its clients a W3C validated system acceptable by the WWW search engines with proper tags, meta data, and readable text, as well as mod rewrites integrated and pure html pagination included.

You can have a pretty site that is SEO friendly with the Netricks CMS. 

Aesthetically Attractive


In a world where image means everything, it is easy to sometimes overlook the importance if function.  Our new integrated JQuery scripts can add aesthetic to your site without hindering your site's marketability.  SO many dessigners get too caught up in the look and feel of a site and add elements that will greatly hinder the SEO (search engine optimization) of the site as a whole.  Our new system will actuall enhance your sites SEO and Internet presence.  Look at the site's address bar and notice that each slide in this simple page flip system has its own unique URL.  If integrated properly, search engines will index every page for the content specified in each slide, adding content relevance and page count to your overall site.

Do a search for "Jquery Fresno" and see the results. 

Cost Effective


Imagine being able to control your own JQuery script, the content weather it be images ot text or both.  Throught eh Netricks CMS, you have the power to maintain your cool action sliders and JQuery script content easily.  Fast adn without the need to know any web development what so ever, you are in control.

Here you go!

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6446 N. Selland Ave.
Fresno, CA 93711

Telephone: 559.222.2500

E-mail: info@netricks.com
"Netricks did a tremendous job on my web project. Everything including the photos on my site looks so professional. I am really impressed with your work and our site. Thanks very much."
Patrik Book,
Moda Star Models
Netricks offers support services for contracted clients and non-contracted clients alike. We have a ticketing support site located at Netricks Tech Support and a remote control support system to allow our technicians to assist you with your technical issues from a remote location. For more info on remote support, please click below.

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